19 y
Re: Anyone having Detox problems should see this
You can find a distributor by googling "zeolite". I signed uip as a distributor because you get it at a 25% discount. The company has recently allowed ordering only 1
bottle at a time. I believe the price is $39.95 for 1. We haven't pursued marketing the product and curezone doesn't allow commercial useage of this site.
But I can tell you that the product is all the testimonials say that it is, If the you can go on a maintenance dose 1 bottle will last 1 month. When I was having a lot of gallbladder problems I was taking a lot of product. My husband has been basically taking 1 bottle every 2 weeks and received a lot of relief from his sinus condition. Plus almost 3 months ago he was rearended by an 18 wheeler and rolled three times and after being released from emergency room the next day only used Zeolite as his pain killer. He suffered a broken collarbone and a pretty bad whip lash,
Any way we are not trying to sell the product, we just think all health conscience members of this web site could benifit from it.
If you need any more info just email me, where I don't need to post info people are not interested in.