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Re: Cesium protocol
woody7 Views: 13,415
Published: 19 y
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Re: Cesium protocol

i hope that everything works out for you.The dmso acts as a transport of the cesium to send it to the cancer cells.To see if you have dead cancer cells is to check your uric acid levels they will rise when your body has dead cancer cells in it.My brother had a very aggressive brain tumor and i used the cesium protocol on him.May i suggest that you stay on the cesium for at least 6 months to make sure all the cancer cells are gone.Thirty days is not enough, if you can please visit and there you will find an enormous amount of information on cancer and the cesium protocol.The cesium shrunk my brothers tumor froma lemon to a grape in 3 weeks. I does work, unfortunately my brothers wife did not believe in nutrition and alternative ways so i was soon forbade to give him anything even though it worked remarkebly.When liquid cesium is rubbed into the skin at least 90% is absorbed.If you can have your potassium levels checked also your ph, you are on the right track, my prayers are with you, if you stick with this protocol you will beat the cancer, all the best. Lou


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