Re: "Apple Juice Flush"
Apple Juice Fast
Will Cleanse the Liver & Gallbladder and expel Gallstones
If you are under any Stress this may not be a good cleanse for you, always consult your doctor before any cleanse.
The traditional liver cleans fast: Drink 8
oz glass of apple juice
Mixed with 50% water drink the Apple Juice every 30 minutes
The way it works: The malic acid found in the apple juice
Will help to soften any gall stones you may have in your gall bladder & liver
It will take about 3 days of fasting on Apple Juice to get results
The 4 Day of Apple Juice Fast:
First: Drink 1 cup or at least 4 to 6 o/z of
Extra-Virgin cold pressed olive oil
Second: Drink the juice of two fresh lemons
This should stimulate the gall bladder to release enough bile
To expelled the stones expect to see something that looks like green peas
For the next 24 Hours
Eat grated carrots and cabbage with olive oil and lemon juice
To help clean the colon
ASK Angelica