My first time with Himilayan salt was MUCH better than my first kiss. The salt is absolutely lovely, a joy to behold, and HE was a hormonally ridden overanxious teenage boy, and we were playing spin-the-bottle....and the sweet taste of himilayan salt upon my lips lingers longer and more sweetly than his peppermint schnapps, dentyne & marijuana scented breath ever could....
Seriously, effects...? I've only recently begun using it and the effects that I have noticed are that I am no longer thirsty & I no longer have to pee three times in the middle of the night. I drink a LOT of water but I really feel as though I have been chronically dehydrated for years...
I'm not noticing any great "buzz"..I feel great in general but I ascribe that to everything I've been doing, not just one thing.
I enjoy the metaphysical aspects as well. Sole is a ritual, for me. :)