Thank You Schluggel :-)..
..for your kind and helpful spirit :-).
From what I've seen, I think the Pacific Coast is *much* more conscious of
non-chemical, eco-friendly things. I want to see that good mindset spread *all over* this country :-).
That is a great link :-)! Wish they had that here! Hmmm,maybe I can inspire some other folks to do something like it..
We do also have a Master Gardener's group, although in the past (~3 yrs ago) the people teaching it knew nothing about Organics. Maybe something has changed in more recent days.. I know what you mean about the wise Old-Timers, God Bless them. I bless them too, and cherish them wherever I find 'em :-)..
So far around here I have found it best to just find a farmer's market and talk to the farmers.
Schluggel, my efforts recounted in the post above were what I did to try and wake more people up about these things, so I did some outreach to folks to whom I *knew* the concept was unfamiliar. I did it because, like you and the other good folk on this forum, I think a lot more people need to be thinking about this :-).
Thank you Schluggel, for almost single-handedly keeping this forum alive until the rest of the country can catch up with the concept :-).
God Bless you,
Ladylove :-)