When I ordered the digestive enzymes on Friday, I also ordered Jarrow-dophilus! There seems to be a debate on whether or not one should do probiotics. But I think I'll try them for a while, until I get everything balanced Finallyfaith suggested miso soup or was that Owen? My memory isn't great(that is a future project) I also decided I'm going to be more strict about the dairy thing--too often I'll eat my daughters cream soup, or if everyone wants pizza, give in and eat it too--it just reinforces that I need to NOT eat it. Also, I'm going to start watching my sugars better. If it isn't fruit, and under 5 grams of sugar, it's not going in my mouth. It's hard to get back in the habit of checking. That little article by Dr. Kelley motivates me to leave the dairy alone. Someone posted a cheese substitute--I hope I can refind it. I'm sprouting too! It's fun.
I haven't read the full article I'll have to get it later.