Issue 178:
Search Engine, Mosaic Forum, Filtering, Privacy,
Public Profile, Email
CureZone forums have finally got a dedicated search engine. The CureZone Search Engine is indexing all 745,000 forum messages and all 760 forums. Try it:
How to use CureZone Search Engine (CZSE)?
Search Options
You can search a single forum (by using a search option provided on every
forum page) or you can search across all forums.
Search Terms
Choosing the right
search terms is the key to finding the information you need.
Example of a bad choice of search term:
ask shelly why does my sweat smell like onions?
Better choice:
smell onions
(run the search from the Ask Shelley forum if that is what you want)
Automatic "and"
By default, CZSE only returns pages that include all of your search terms. There is
no need to include "and" between terms. Keep in mind that the order in which the
terms are typed will affect the search results. To restrict a search further,
just include more relevant terms.
It's often advisable to use multiple search terms to quickly locate the most
relevant pages.
CZ Search Engine searches are not case sensitive. Searching for "AMA"
or for "ama" gives the same results.
Automatic exclusion
of common words (noise words)
CZ Search Engine ignores common words such as "where", "how",
"why", "and", "is" ...
because they tend to slow down your search without improving the results.
If a common word is essential to getting the results you want, you can include
it by specifying the exact phrase and enclosing it in double quotes. Example:
"what is chi?"
Phrase searches
When you only want results that include an exact phrase, simply put
quotation marks around your search terms.
Common words (noise words) in a phrase
search (e.g., "where are you") are included in the search.
The search engine will always give higher ranking to the exact phrase even if
the phrase is not enclosed in double quotes.
When you
only want results that include messages containing 2 words near each other (but
not necessarily a phrase), you
can use a keyword NEAR to get the relevant results. Example: "chi
near liver", "cured near cancer".
Word variations
CZ Search Engine will search not
only for your search terms, but also for words that are similar to some or all
of those terms. If you search for liver flush, CZSE
will also search for liver flushes, liver flushing and other
related variations of your terms.
Here are top 50 search terms during the last 2 weeks:
Search Count Enclosed in [ ] | ||||
The most obvious problem that I see on this list is: phrase searches are not enclosed in double quotes. Examples: master cleanse, coconut oil, weight loss, kidney stones, oil pulling, liver cleanse ... 20% of top 50 search terms are phrases, but not a single one of the phrases was enclosed in double quotes ("). It is time for a lesson.
When should you enclose your search terms in double quotes (")?
Whenever you are searching for an exact phrase or an exact word.
high blood
pressure. Why?
If you don't enclose
high blood
pressure into the double quotes, the search engine will return not only all
pages containing the exact phrase:
high blood
pressure, but it will also return all pages containing word
high, blood
and word
scattered across a document.
But if you enclose the search phrase into a double quotes
"high blood pressure"
the search engine will return only pages containing the exact phrase,
while eliminating all other pages.
Everything is not as bad as I make it sound like. Why?
The search engine will always give higher ranking to the exact phrase even if
the phrase is not enclosed in double quotes. Phrases commonly searched (master cleanse,
liver cleanse
... ) are found in many pages on CureZone. You would have to ignore
thousands of results before you actually come to a page that contain words, but
not the
exact phrase.
Anyway, it is a good practice to use double quotes, cause if you try searching
for something not as common, example: "stiff person syndrome", and if you skip
double quotes, you will get many pages containing word "syndrome" only or
"person" only, and that is not what you are searching for.
New! Mosaic Forum
The Mosaic Forum is a different way of showing forum messages. What you
are all familiar with is a standard forum structure where every forum is a separate entity, and a
message posted inside one forum is not visible inside another one. The
Mosaic Forum shows all messages across all forums. ALL! It unites all forums, across
both domains (
When could you use The Mosaic Forum?
The Mosaic Forum allows you to filter all messages across all forums and to
sort them by date, subject, username etc.
Filter and Sort Forum Messages: |
All Messages | sort by | Date | Subject | Username | Hits | Size | Pro Votes | Con Votes | All Votes | |
Topic Messages | sort by | Date | Subject | Username | Hits | Size | Pro Votes | Con Votes | All Votes | Replies |
R (Recommended Messages) | sort by | Date | Subject | Username | Hits | Size | Pro Votes | Con Votes | All Votes | |
RN (Messages Recommended for Newsletter) | sort by | Date | Subject | Username | Hits | Size | Pro Votes | Con Votes | All Votes | |
BSA (Bright Star Award) | sort by | Date | Subject | Username | Hits | Size | Pro Votes | Con Votes | All Votes |
Here are several questions that can be answered by the Mosaic Forum:
What threads on CureZone received the largest number of
replies? Answer: Look at
Topic Messages
sort by
What are the most viewed messages on CureZone? Answer: Look at
All Messages
sort by
What are the largest messages on CureZone? Answer: Look at
All Messages
sort by
What messages received the largest number of agree votes? Answer:
Look at
All Messages
sort by
Pro Votes
What are the most recommended messages on CureZone? Answer:
Look at
BSA (Bright Star Award) and
RN (Messages Recommended for
Newsletter) sort by
Hits ...
The same questions can be asked within a single forum, and the
links to answers are on every forum page.
The same questions can also be asked for every single CureZone user.
If you posted a message with your username, at the bottom of that message, there
are links to all messages you posted inside that forums, and all messages you
posted across all forums.
With the addition of the
Search Engine, and special
message filtering options, some CureZone users feel that they have lost some of
their privacy. There is a feeling of 'exposure' when every CureZone
visitor have the ability to trace the complete writings of any CureZone poster,
chronologically, alphabetically or by many other criteria. Some people just
dislike the idea of having all of their messages accessible, all listed on a
single public web page.
Some CureZone users would rather have their username replaced with anonymous
number. Some would rather have it replaced with a new username.
You can do it now. The Privacy
Manager gives you tools needed to cover all your traces.
You will find a link to the Privacy Manager below any of your forum messages.
(You must be logged on CureZone). Privacy Manager allows you to make
changes on all of your messages within a single forum, or on all of your
messages across all forums. You can hide your username and replace it with
anonymous number or the other way around. You can replace your username
with "Hidden Username" or with "UserX". Any
replacement of your username will automatically disable CureZone Search and
Filter Messages by Username options on those messages. You can also
disable Search and Sort by Username options without doing anything with your
username. These options should be enough to protect your privacy, in case
your privacy was compromised by the addition of new tools. Before
you start using The Privacy Manager, edit manually those messages that contain
content that should not be there.
Public profiles were added some time ago, but now, you can add an image to your profile. Here are examples of users who provided images with their public profiles.
So far, about 1000 users have uploaded images into their public profile.
Frequently asked questions about Public Profiles:
You can now subscribe to
receive an email notification on reply to every single message on CureZone.
Under every message, there is a link to the
Email Notifications
You can
be notified whenever someone posts a reply to a specific message, message you
consider interesting.
You can be notified whenever someone posts a new message within a specific
You can be notified whenever someone starts a new topic within a specific forum.
You can be notified whenever someone posts a new message within a specific
The Email Notifications Manager also gives you possibility to quickly unsubscribe all notifications, or just to unsubscribe a specific notification.
Warning! Do not subscribe to receive an email notification whenever someone posts a new message within Master Cleanse Forum or Liver Flush Forum. These 2 forums, together with 50 other forums listed here receive many messages per day. By choosing to receive a notification on every single message posted inside a high volume forum, you risk filling your mail box full of notifications.
Email notifications can be an easy way to locate new messages as long as you don't overdo it.
Active Surveys:
Liver Flush Questionnaire 424 answ.
20 min
Master Cleanse Questionnaire 148 answ.
34 sec
Alternative Medicine Survey 58 answ.
19 min
Colon Cleansing 48 answ.
20 min
Crack Cocaine Recovery 7 answ.
19 min
Oil Pulling Questionnaire Survey 56 answ.
20 min
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