I was very interested in reading your message. A friend of mine who has been told that she suffers from polymalgia was today telling me about the fact that her husband had read on the internet about the possibility of it being caused by the hep B vaccine.
I have been diagnosed as having fibromyalgia which has been steadily getting worse in the last 7-8 years. I was interested in this because I had a hep B vaccine around that time due to my work. Like you the effect was immediate and it did in my case start quite slowly. I have not had any allergic reactions like yours but over that period of time have developed a lot of sensitivites that I have never had before.
I would certainly be interested in finding out if there is any link between this and the vaccination as I have a young grandson and would like to warn my daughter about it in advance.
Please let me know if you have found out any more about the links