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Re: a new day
on_the_down_low Views: 1,572
Published: 19 y
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Re: a new day

hello joylovepeace,

i'm refering to old childhood injuries like my falling off my bike when i was 10years old or so. i had a scar on my wrist and ankle from that fall for years but over time those scars faded away, or so i had thought. in actuality, what was happening was the scars were never fading as i had thought and instead they were sinking deeper into the skin until becoming no longer visible to the eye. those are the scars that i see surfacing now and in each old (30year old) scar i find a rock-hard dead worm. i would think the scarring from acne would do the same. interesting.

you know what else i've noticed, that for a long time now my skin seems to be covered with a transparent type of gel, smelly and awful. i can't get it off of me. i feel slimy after showering, never feel clean and i had a different smell (bad) then i used to. I also sweat alot more and alot easier and often feel as if there is no air. well, that disgusting stuff is breaking-down and i can then wash it off. much better.



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