Re: What if..- What Is Happening To You & Why
greetings to all,
thanks humaworm. funny, as i read your response i realized "i know this" and can recall numerous times that i've read that the rapid release of toxins can cause rectal itching. but reading something and actually having it happen are different things and it is a little unsettling. thank you for your time and concern.
except for my lips and left foot, the tingling has let up. i've noticed one of my toes on my left foot has something black underneath, fungus probably? i will need to treat the fungus separately, correct?
when i first began this program i questioned whether or not humaworm could do the job. i've completed many different programs and the one thing they all had in common was the initial impact of the first dose, always severe to the system (my system anyways)but you saw immediate results. but humaworm did not provide this and was much easier on my body, something i'm not accustomed to. and over the course of 3 weeks, humaworm has proven to be much more effective, and at a steady pace. I am amazed, for as long as i've cleansed how can i still be so polluted. i have pinworms etc exiting (dead) from everywhere. even old scars have come the skins surface, from injuries i had long forgotten about and once to the surface of my skin if i push away the old skin i will find a dead rock-hard worm and the scar is no longer. humaworm is bringing back alot of old memories for me. awesome product, thank you.