Re: What the heck i'm startin today !!!!!!!!!!!
I really like hearing from excited folks! I'll try to answer your questions one at a time.
I recommend taking a half dose of your P&B during your 30 day cleanse - HUMACLEANSE is also psyllium based (with added ingredients) and you don't want too much psyllium because it can stop up up. Take your P&B either at lunch time or at bedtime.
Save your enzymes and probiotics until after the HUMAWORM cleanse - this is because HUMAWORM contains herbs that will clean and restore your liver (the liver is the natural enzyme maker). HUMAWORM will also remove any and all bacteria from the body - bad and good. When you are done with the 30 days, you may take the probiotics again - the body will quickly replace the good bacteria from food - but the probiotics will speed it up even faster. You may or may not feel like you need the extra enzymes after the cleanse. Just see how your digestive system is working and add them back in if you think you need to.
Now I have never personally used a zapper, but a lot of my customers use zapping in conjunction with HUMAWORM with good results. We also have customers that do not use zappers and have good results too. I leave this one as a personal choice.
Good luck to you and keep me posted!