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Re: Ok, how can I treat Streptococcus in the UT?
finallyfaith Views: 2,734
Published: 19 y
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Re: Ok, how can I treat Streptococcus in the UT?

pau d'arco is in my opinion the most powerful natural anti biotic. it is very mild tasting, and can be mixed with just about any other herb. you need to boil it for maybe 10 minutes or so. to make a super powerful tea, boil it for 10 minutes, then allow to steep overnight. in the morning you will have some super powerful tea.

here is a good article on it


someone in the Cancer Forum used it to treat his cancer successfully. i am in a hurry reight now or i would find his posts. if you look for posts in the Cancer Forum by "canadianyoda" he recommends a specific brand of pau d arco.

i guess this infection is why the white blood cell urinary count was high?

Colloidal Silver will kick ass on any bacteria, but it can take a while to get your intestinal flora back up after using it.

olive leaf is another good one to use.

there are big questions about grapefruit seed extract, and whether it is the seed extract or the chemical preservatives added to it that create the anti-biotic affect.

have you considered a water ozonator? very powerful therapy, i just plain don't get sick when i use ozonated water daily. you can also try food grade hyrdogen peroxide.

good luck dealing with it, i would post more, but am in a hurry.


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