Re: getting confused...need some guidance
welcome to the confusion :)
One thing to remember about supplements. Somewhere way back, at least in theory, supplments were generally devised as something extra to be taken to supplement (add to) something else.... with a general assumption being that when a deficiency is present, it manifests one or more symptoms of less-than-ideal health known to be the result of a specific deficiency.... and over time people stumbled on the situation where taking a specific supplment was found to make the deficiency stop being deficient, and in short time after removign the deficiency, the symptoms stopped manifesting. Over the years, supplements seem to have generated enough momentum that people now frequently think of them as something on the order of what is loosley called "food".... something to be taken as a general practice.... just because, without regard to what the situation may be that they are being added to. The general assumption being made here is that, as a result of many people being aware of and admitting that their diets are inclined to take in too much of the wrong stuff and not enough of the right stuff, in an effort to offset this, they begin the practice of regularly taking in supplements.....almost like a shotgun approach.
Symptoms and signs of poor health may in some cases be the result of a diet deficiency (not getting enough of something), but there is growing evidence that many common symptoms of poor health are the result of a diet regularly getting too much something...... try to think of the old adage that sometimes, "less is more". This adage is often applied to what comes out of peoples mouths in the form of what they say, but it can also be applied to what goes into people's mouths in the form of what they take as "something" considered part of diet and supplement to diet..... this is where the confusion factor gets kicked up a couple notches. Repeated excesses can eventually lead to deficiencies, such as deficient body/organ function due to long-term excessive intake of stuff, foodstuffs, drinkstuffs, airstuffs. Late-stage diabetes is a pretty good example of how an organ (Pancreas) eventually breaks down and becomes deficient in it's function as a result of years and years of being swamped with too much of the wrong stuff.
Back to your situation, is
Acne generally known to be the result of a deficiency condition? I ask mainly because I am not sure and am as interested as you are in finding out. From what I've observed, there seems to be different categories of Acne. One of the better known categories is the one that afflicts teen and pre-teen kids before/during/after the onset of hormonitis (raging, topsy-turvy hormonal changes) that occur when a person is growing through the period between late-stage childhood and early-stage adulthood. A second category of
Acne seems to be generally lumped into a category that is applied to anyone with
Acne who is past the stage in life when the first category is known to occur.
Liver Flushing is just one way - an alternative, by which the effort can be made to sort of start the process of wiping the slate clean so to speak. Chances are pretty good it's impossible for anybody to relaly get 100% clean, but we can try :) A good reason to try is that there is lots of testimonial evidence out there that indicates trying helps to remove the layers of excess that have accumulated over years. I may be mistaken, but Acne is on the long list of symptoms reported to generally get better after successful flushing of the liver. Another confusing aspect to all of this is, it is not all that easy to define and agree on what, exactly, does "successful flushing" really mean?. Good luck!