Re: swollen lymph nodes
No one who asks a sincere question here should be ignored, and you aren't...but no one who knows has yet appeared.
So, although I, too, know nothing about your question, I support your wish to find out.
Have you looked/asked in the Lymph forum?
Another place that may be useful is a physiotherapy clinic. They fully understand the parts of a body, and how to care for them while healing.
I certainly wish I had asked at a physiotherapy clinic when I didn't know how to look after my 'minor' leg injury.
A chiropractor, or a massage therapist, might also know. Nurses, too. It's not as though you would formally 'seek treatment' from them, just a little info.
Then, make up your own mind.
You are smart to ask first!
Let us know how you make out.
My best,