I am a person that suffers from diverticulitis, and a chronic anal fistula. I have probably had 4 or 5 diverticulitis attacks in the last 3 years. Each time i take a regiment of cipro and it works, but over time, sure enough i get another diverticulitis attack with-in, it seems 6 months or so. I have noticed that alcohol is a defifnate cause. if i have maybe oneor two glases of beer with dinner one a week i seem to be ok, but if i over eat or over drink it seems to trigger an attack from what i can gather. One other VERY important factor that i have noticed is that over time i also begin to get sore pimples in my scalp and in the middle of my chest where it's hary. I also have a tendency to get a jock itch rash, and a slight yeast infection under my foreskin. Not curcumsized of course.
ALL of this dissapears when i take the cipro. It disapears along with the diverticulitis attacks. So...whats going on here? Is it just the cipro killing ALL bactiria thatis causing me these problems? Or....do i really need to detox my body???....NOTHING and i mean nothing seems to get rid of the fistula..although it does yield less puss when i take the cipro.
Any thoughts on all of this would be greatly appreciated.