19 y
Re: A message from a former "candida sufferer"
Hi Michelle,
I don't see your email as an attack at all :)
You make a very good point - you went and obtained EVIDENCE of your problem which showed Candida to exist in you & possibly be the cause of your problems. You treated it, and it went away.
What I am rallying against is the people who develop vague comlaints and are told, without any evidence, that they have Candidiasis & are sold a whole heap of anti-fungals and put on the candida diet - and when it doesnt work they are just told that Candida is very hard to treat.
People should go out & do what you did - obtain pathology tests & if it shows clinical evidence of Candida, treat it appropriately - otherwise keep trying to identify the cause. I wish I could have that 2 years back where I blindly believed my problem to be Candida & did not consider other causes.
Just to clarify one thing - the microbiologist at my work didnt dispute the existence of candida - she said it was a common organism in the gut - she just said it didnt cause Candidiasis in anyone except rare cases of immune deficient people.
Anyway, best of luck to everyone - I hope you all get better asap!