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Re: Underweight people liver flushing question
white tiger Views: 2,303
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 738,440

Re: Underweight people liver flushing question

It will do both, and is very healthy for your liver, gallbladder and your digestive system.

The idea of disolving stones first with the peppermint, is so there is less danger of blockage. If a stone is too large to pass, the blockage can be dangerous.

It is healthy to drink peppermint leaf tea each day to help prevent stones from forming . It also helps your digestion.

Since you are taking enzymes. why not eat a few bits of pineapple and papaya after each meal?
Pineapple and papaya has all the pancreatic digestive enzymes your body needs.

Munching on bits of dried papaya tastes so yummy! :)


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