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Re: enemas or Colon hydrotherapy?

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

valerie_cct Views: 1,443
Published: 19 y
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Re: enemas or Colon hydrotherapy?

Although I shop at Walmart and am generally satisfied with the products I buy there, I haven't heard good things about the enema bags they sell. Like the fittings don't make a secure connection between the bag, hose and nozzle for example.

I'd suggest buying a higher quality (albeit more expensive) enema set from a pharmacy as recommended in livingwater's posting. I've had good results from the Faultless brand, which is also sold in Eckerts and CVS, and also at Wegmans super markets in their pharmacy section.

I'd suggest that you start out with a combination syringe advertised for use as a hot water bottle, douche and enema. But never use it for douching after using it for an enema, and visa versa! A combo bag is easiest to use because you can set it down on the sink or elsewhere after filling without worry about spilling or leaking.

Good luck!


P.S. Enemas aren't so bad once you get the hang of them. While fasting, I actually find myself looking forward to them. If I have a headache beforehand, it's almost always gone before I'm off the toilet.


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