If clears are false then you could attain and you win. Claim on forms and kick to sides. Other hands are good but all are notes that far to suffix.
Some are good and some are bad. Find the warrants you claim your lives.
Matrix decisions pass your making right.
Complex objects are power subjects and diadem crowns.
Believe on briefs with maps on relief.
Release your powers with moneys.
Control your dictum send your guns.
Power might’s drawing but minds are logics.
Psyche and Schizo-signals as sights to amuse are limiting tops.
Flows on charts are drawing men.
Powers to pies are head on figures.
Sketch your power searches for daily parts.
Clear to might and take your power.
Need to help the evils seeds with hanging trees.
Gallows are woods bur steel are powers.
Wallow must be mud and pigs are piggy.
Better than none.
I buy you loves.
Mall of loves produce masses.
Massive making come as crowns.
China tenant hold the world of weapons.
Israel got the copied flights.
China takes the copied airs.
U.S.A F15 and F16 originals…
China takes the lists with wishes.
Honest brokers play short.
Trickery china tackles the chances.
U.S.A plays the sorting magnets to line up ions.
Orders are posted and complete by honest –Israel peaces..
May be true ways are on times.
Me-my-Cauchy3 a clear attained logics!
---------Cheung Shun sang=Cauchy3---------.