Re: Ayurveda / Homeopathic Treamnets for Eczema
An eczema reaction is the skin's way of releasing toxins out of the body; therefore, have you incorporated an internal cleanse/detox in your years of suffering?
Have you identified your causative agents (foreign culprits of your toxic flareups)? The medications prescribed for eczema would fall under this category as causative agents as well. When you read the side effects of the conventional medications prescribed for eczema you will understand what I mean by that.
Are you choosing to visit the homeopathic treatment center in India because you live there? The reason I asked is because it almost sounded as if you were planning to travel abroad to get the help you're searching for. If that is the case, you may not need to make such a drastic move just yet.
Have any of your physicians ever addressed foreign causes of your eczema flareups, like chlorine or fluoride in your household water, dust mites, pet dander, polyester or wool fibers,
Antibiotics , candida, amalgam/metal fillings in teeth, smoking, alcohol, harsh soaps/detergents, or un
healthy Diet choices high in junk foods/soft drinks?
Have any of your physicians ever mentioned the deficiencies represented by an eczema flareup and the importance of replenishing those deficiences through a healthy whole food diet? Have they even mentioned the words beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, essential fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 & GLA), quercetin, or magnesium?
Have they mentioned the importance of drinking plenty of water to help in flushing out toxins; as well as, rehydration of the skin?
Whether you choose to go conventional or homeopathic, you need to have these issues I posed in question form addressed. The cause of the effect of eczema is toxic overload in the body. Creams don't address the toxins; cleanses, a healthy diet, and physical removal of the allergen/irritant agent addresses the toxic cause of the effect of eczema. Searching out natural cleansers and creams to promote the skin healing is just one part of the process that needs to be addressed with eczema sufferers. You will also need to address the toxic cause of the eczema. What that means is that you will need to identify the allergen/irritant and remove it from your environment. I've used this example many times before; but it's worth mentioning again. I'm allergic to poison ivy and suffer a contact allergic eczema as a result of making contact with the plant. If I were to apply medications to my skin while standing in a patch of poison ivy, most people would think that I was pretty foolish (they would be right). Applying creams to eczema patients without addressing, (identifying and removing), the foreign allergen/irritant culprit (toxic agent of the breakout) is no different than the example I just gave. This is what doctors have continuously done to eczema patients; and as a result, this is why the suffering has been long term and frustrating.