Poor thing! Thank you for posting your thoughts! For one thing, I believe it is helpful for you to write them down! It also lets others know that they aren't they only ones having these problems.
What you are going through is very normal for where you are in the cleanse, and it is very good that you are working through it and not giving in to the temptation of food. Lunch time can be rough! When I fasted, I would try to go out at lunch and run errands just to get away from the smells of food!
I always found dinner to be the worst! I have 2 small children, so I would have to go home and prepare dinner for them. It surprised me just how often I would lick a spoon or pop a piece of whatever I was cutting up for them into my mouth - it sure seemed like such a waste not to lick the yogurt off the spoon before putting it in the sink! :(