I read some pages in the "surprise me" of Amazon, it seems a good book. How would this tape be like? and how long?
I don't know if I would feel a bit ridiculous, listening to such a tape, a good reason to try and see how my sense of humour is doing.
In general, the un-structured way of fledging would suit me, but one of the two: either the resistences on an issue are weak, then I can deal with it as I've always done, just deciding I can change my mind after all; or they are strong, and in that case I've got to be careful to not be fooled by my mind and its tricks, and the un-system of fledging would be the perfect place for my mind to perform at best. I saw it when I stopped smoking, god how many times did I have to try before succeeding... so subtle argumentations... so obvious lies...so pathetic negotiations! ahah! it was quite an acrobacy to get through all that theatre...