** results
what we all want to feel, for ourselves, right? Two months ago -just as a small example- when I bent over to vacuum, every time I straightened up my back felt like it was broken. I wondered how it would feel as an 'old' woman, if it felt like that now. Granted it is very humid here in the summer, but this sort of deep pain was new to me.
Today I noticed that I felt no pain doing this. That's definite results.(oh--and it's been raining and overcast.) Some of you :-) may have grown quite tired of my incessant questions and second-guessing, especially of the limewater--so I thought in particular you might appreciate hearing a small bit of testimonial.
Having learned a little over the years, I like to look deeper before jumping into something radical (or so this seemed) but I can say I'm very pleased with all the changes. We often forget pains of all sorts as soon as they disappear, and go back to our old ways. Straightening up today,I remembered with a *body* memory, the way my back used to feel.
so- it's a good thing.
my best to you all,