Re: Another day, part deux
Yesterday was my first day, too ... and you ask "how's it going with me."
Well, to be honest, you just described my first day.
I had the most awfullest (new word) headache I have EVER encountered in my entire life. It literally felt like it was going to split wide open. My brain jiggled inside like Jello, and felt bruised.
I kept drinking my Lemonade hoping that it would take the edge off, and it didn't.
I licked spoons of maple syrup AND backstrap molasses AND cane syrup ... no, not all at once ... but no help at all there either.
So I just sat down and cried.
Today is better.
Got rid of my headache cause I sh!t my brains out.
(No brains = No Pains.)
Just because I'm laughing doesn't mean I'm joking ... hehe ... sigh.