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Experiment and see what works for you
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Experiment and see what works for you

I posted a message to see if anyone else read "Rational Fasting" answers yet. I'm not big on giving advice because every person is different...there are no hard and fast rules despite what you may read. Everything depends on your health...where you are in life.

To have someone tell you to fast for 12-40 days or until your tongue turns pink can be dangerous...and you can tell because you will FEEL it. Although Prof Ehret's book was a difficult read (written circa 1927) it made me want to cry. I just ordered a copy for my 19-yr-old son and got the same reaction...he said he wanted to cry after he read it.

See if you can get a copy of the it a few times, then read his book "Mucusless Diet". After that, read Brandt's book "The Grape Cure". Then try the experiments. I didn't do anything dangerous...but I did try eliminating a food then reintroducing it, did raw vs cooked experiments...his little experiment with meat will gross you out if you do it.

I use all of the above on different days depending on how I feel. I think the whole trick is to pay attention to how you feel. I'm not much of an extremist. I don't think there is only one way to do things. But regular fasting (I do 24 hr the most, then 36, then 48 depending on how I feel) combined with fruit juices, fruits, and veggies has brought me back to a healthy weight for my height and I don't feel so tired and out of sorts like I did. I'm not perfect at it...but I can pretty much judge how much weight I will lose each day...and I vary my approach by how much I want to go down. I can drop up to 2 pounds a day and keep it off...but for me that is too makes me feel tired and I slow it down on purpose...give my body time to adjust, give my blood time to clear out the muck.

I used myself as an experiment. I don't take vitamins or supplements. I stopped eating pork, beef and chicken is on the way out too because it is beginning to disagree with my sense of smell (which has sharpened.) I don't do dairy because it makes my stomach churn... All of this came about within 6 months from when I started with the Lemonade Diet ...I kept learning, reading, and performing self-tests.

I know there are lots of us out there that want the hard and fast rule that will work...I like rules and structure...but in my case...I had to throw the rules out and start from scratch...combining and combining until I found something that works. I'm not done yet...for my height I still have about 15-20 pounds to lose...but at least I'm not hungry when I fast anymore, I don't get sick fasting anymore, and when I do body prefers more healthy foods.

It's hard to drive by Burger King and not order that Whopper...I love them. I can't eat them anymore stomach lodges an immediate protest and I feel lousy for the rest of the day. body is training me to be good...all I have to do is listen to it.


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