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Re: Glyconutrients
Libby Views: 2,202
Published: 23 y
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Re: Glyconutrients

Hi Striko!

I have been using glyconutrients for a year now along with my whole family. I too USED to get strep throat every year and I also suffered allergies. My energy level has been tremendous. Not the shaky energy but natural and increased. This year I got my Clariton refilled but didn't have to use it at all. Anyways, nice meeting you and I don't want to get into trouble posting about glyconutrients! Its a bummer that their relationship with mlm has to get in the way with their authenticity and extreme value. I live in Tx, about an hour from main headquarters and have met all of the doctors and been through the lab ect... very exciting!

I have a website that has a ton of information and updates on the Science of glycobiology ect... an entire library for that matter. www.********.net



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