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Re: VAGUS NERVE /HEART LURCHES with there acid reflux
finallyfaith Views: 11,015
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Re: VAGUS NERVE /HEART LURCHES with there acid reflux

Dr. Schulze has a good herbal remedy for the heart containig hawthorn and cayenne. you may want to look into it. you can find it as here is the ingredients, i cut and pasted this directly from the website -

Hawthorne berry, flower and leaf is a classic of Traditional European Medicine and has been used effectively for centuries for almost every type of heart and circulatory disease. It contains numerous potent phytochemicals including the flavonoids: hypercide, vitexinrhamnose, rutin, and vitexin and oligomeric procyanidins. These chemicals have been found in medical studies in America and abroad to have a direct effect on the heart, helping it to pump more easily, but with more force. They also help with the beta cells conductivity from the nerve to muscle fibers, increase heart circulation, prevent stress related heart attacks, reduce angina pain and cardiac arrhythmia and are a potent cardiac boost for the elderly, giving them more energy

In Asian medical studies it has been established that when Hawthorne is present in the blood, the heart muscle can function normally and survive on less blood and oxygen, like with blocked coronary arteries. Also, if a heart attack does occur, the heart muscle can survive longer because the heart cells don’t die as rapidly. It’s also been established that if damage to the heart muscle does occur, it is much less in those who use Hawthorne than those who don’t. For this reason I feel it is important for anyone with heart disease or a family history of heart disease to use this formula.

Red Clover blossom and Garlic bulb. These herbs have also proven themselves as potent and effective heart and circulatory medications, especially in thinning the blood which alleviates high blood pressure and reduces the risk of blood clots in the blood. Both of these actions reduce the risk of heart attack. Red Clover blossoms contain coumarins which inhibit the liver/vitamin K factor to reduce blood clots while Garlic’s allicin reduces the red blood platelets from aggregating (sticking together). This is a great natural replacement for any heart patient who takes aspirin to thin the blood. Garlic is medically approved in most countries of the world as an effective treatment for hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, regulating blood pressure and lowering blood cholesterol, tryglyceride and fat levels.

Cactus grandiflorus stem contains cardiac glycosides almost identical to Digitalis lanata, the herb that the cardiac drug digitalis is made from. These glycosides increase the heart’s pumping force without increasing the heart’s oxygen demand, making the heart a more efficient pump and better able to meet the demands of the circulatory system. This makes it an excellent heart tonic and specific for congestive heart disease.

Motherwort herb is used throughout Europe and Asia as a general "fix all" cardiac tonic. It exhibits strong influence over the regularity of the heart beat, helping with both cardiac arrhythmia and taccycardia.

Last but not least, Habanero pepper and Ginger rhizome are the two best circulation stimulants known. Capsicum pepper species have been used as a remedy for heart attacks and strokes worldwide and have saved many lives. While Capsicum’s influence seems to go to the heart first, Ginger goes to the extremities first and works backwards making them the dynamic duo for increasing the body’s circulation.


Hawthorne berry, flower and leaf, Crataegus oxyacantha, Red Clover blossom, Trifolium pratense, Cactus grandiflorus stem and flower, Motherwort herb, Leonurus cardiaca, Garlic bulb, Allium sativum, Jamaican Ginger rhizome, Zingiber officinale, and Cayenne pepper, Capsicum annuum.


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