I had a terribly disconcerting problem with my left eye feeling gritty after one of my liver flushes, and someone here in the CureZone forum recommended that I try Bija's Deep Cleanse tea. It worked miracles for me almost immediately (cleared up the redness and the gritty feeling completely) -- and I drink the tea daily now since it keeps the whites of my eyes whiter and also seems to have helped improve my digestion.
As for the tightness/pressure near the rib cage, this sounds like a gall bladder symptom which could well be related. You can read more about gall bladder symptoms here: http://www.skyeherbals.com/pages/gall2.html
If this tightness is caused by a stone lodged in a bile duct, additional flushing may be helpful (although this is only what I've read; I don't have any experience flushing under these circumstances). In addition, if a stone is partially lodged in a bile duct, it may also be advisable to follow a protocol that will begin dissolving the stones before initiating another flush.