Hi I am wondering if anyone on this forum could tell me if it is OK to take Chinese herbs whilst doing homeopathy. I have made an appointment for a homeopathy session in about a week’s time. However I have been taking Chinese herbs for the last week I have also been drinking Ozonated water for about a month now. When I spoke to the homeopath on the phone she said she thought it would be better for me to come off the Chinese herbs and other things because I would not be able to tell what was working and what was not. I understand this though I am reluctant to stop the Ozonated water because even though I have really cut down the amount I drink I have been advised not to stop completely as this would not be a good thing once I started taking it. The other thing is that I feel like the Chinese herbs maybe working a little (though it really is too early to say). The Homeopath has said that it would not be harmful to take both at the same time, as I have said it is really just about knowing what is working. The thing I wanted to know really was could they not complement each other or is this not the case?
The other thing I wanted to know was if there is anyone out there that as had success with this therapy for endometriosis? I have not realy seen the Homeopathy forum on this site and I had to run a search to find it. I am wondering why not many people use this site?