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New FDA approved spray
livingwater Views: 1,409
Published: 19 y

New FDA approved spray

Not a good idea. Inside our guts, as many of you know, are millions of bacteria that are paramount to good health. Introducing a virus(s) like this could mean that eventually the new virus will begin to attack the good bacteria, which will lead to a sicker America (as if we needed anything else to make us sick). Or the other option would be that our bodies will reject the new virus and consider it a threat, beginning a battle to fighting off something we're constantly putting back into our bodies.

The worst part about it is, food companies will not be required to list on the label that they used this spray. I am going to find a way to protest this. We should at least have the choice to decide whether or not we want to buy foods sprayed with this experimental cocktail. If anyone else has any ideas, please let me know.


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