Re: a little help please
ok. so basically my next appointment with he derm is next wed. he'll see that my lips have not healed at all, ill show him all the pics etc. and ask him what would be the best way to heal them by leaving the skin on the lips, lip movement and saliva gonna ask to get some of my minor salivary glands removed, ,,im sure u can do that with a biospy...whatever.. its stopping the bottom lip from healing.
as for the bubble thing iv realised that yes its because of the r u still be talking normally and smiling etc?.... this causes our "lips" to move ..but the skin on top can not move in the same way..hence it gets pulled away and the bubble forms. going back to the way i managed to heal my top makes it look gross (it turns the skin on top to go really white)..but it heals underneath ALL OVER.... the only prob i was having with this was the bubble thing and the saliva thing...control both of those and i should heal. ....i healed all areas except the middle on my top lip by minimal movement and im gonna completely stop moving my lips and see if it heals....its only 5 weeks out of my life i can take it.
oh yeh effected areas are all over the bottom lip...nearly up to the vermillion goes up to the corner, but is much less deep...i guess thats cos i didnt really pick the corner so much just the actual corners of my lips are not affected at all, i never picked them...who picks the corners!? yep i looked at ure pics dm and ures r soo much better than mine.
iv posted a pic of my lip i have on my comp a few months befor ethis ques is where is the border that meets the mucous membrane?...i never noticed before..but now i dont have one at u dm?..uklad?,,,#54..?