Interesting info on low stomach acid...
While playing around on the link that 17163 gave, I discovered an interesting connection between
Iodine and stomach acid. It appears that
Iodine deficiency is so closely linked with low stomach acid, that even stomach cancer is linked to deficient iodine. Also,
Breast Cancer and fibroid breasts are related to iodine, along with ovarian cysts. Many of the symptoms of candida are very similar to hypothyroidism, and
Iodine deficiency, and with low stomach acid being associated with candida, too, this all seems rather interesting. It is also noted at another site that the body doesn't feed adequate amounts of iodine to the stomach until about 100 times what is needed by the thyroid is present in the body. That's a lot more than the average American gets from food and supplements combined.
I haven't finished exploring this topic, but I would suggest that others look into this info, and see if it could relate to your particular situation. My personal goal is to figure out that one or more elements that perpetuate poor health, and eliminate it. If my low stomach acid is secondary to low iodine or high bromine, then I will have to try to address that issue, and make it a part of my daily routine. I have found an iodine/iodide solutions similar to
Lugol's that I plan to try. But not until I'm closer to finishing my current herbal courses.