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Re: Diagnosis of Candida
loveathome24 Views: 1,121
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 405,204

Re: Diagnosis of Candida

I would try answering one of the candida questionaires. There are good ones in the books "The Yeast Connection", and "Conquering Candida - The Non-Drug Solution". I know there are laboratory tests you can have done, but they are expensive, and even in they come up negative, it does not necessarily mean you don't have problems with Candida. One of the tests that seems to be most accurate, is live blood microscopy. However the accuracy depends largely on the person doing it, and it is an expensive test. I have also heard that unethical practitioners of this test, will tell you that you are very sick, and then try and sell you tons of supplements etc. The person that I had do this test had been trained by a physician for several months, charged a low fee, and was not into selling stuff to her clients. I've heard the Smokey's Lab will also determine the amounts of candida in their stool analysis. Beyond this if you think you might have a problem after using the questionaires above, try the anti-candida diet, and see what happens.


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