Thanks for all the info/book recommendations.
It's interesting that I just started REALLY researching this topic a couple weeks ago.....and here I find this forum! Law of Attraction in action! I just started reading "Ask and it is Given." It is a great book. I also just finished "Excuse ME, Your Life is Waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn. It was an awesome book on the topic written with a great sense of humor. I would highly recommend it! I would also love to talk to anyone on this subject since I am new at trying to direct my thoughts, and haven't gotten good results in my life in the past by letting my old subconscious beliefs take over. I'm already starting to see small changes, though. It takes a lot of practice and is too easy to fall back into just thinking what you've always thought about. If anyone has any good advice on how they've mastered focusing and creating....I would love to hear about it!