I reckon you hit the nail on the head. Many people who suffer with I.B.S also have a variety of skin problems, & wheat is usually the culprit. The intolerance to gluten in the gut causes inflammation which produces tiny cracks in the gut wall. Instead of absorbing nutrients from digested food the poor IBS sufferer has an increasing invasion of candida spores,fermenting gases,& bacteria entering his system which overload the liver & manifest in the largest organ ,the skin.
The original grain used to make bread is called SPELT & is highly nutritive compared to wheat, & contains minimum gluten, but because it is difficult to dehusk in the refinement process it has been replaced by this dangerous cheap to process wheat.
SPELT Bread & flour is not cheap, but offers a great alternative ! Available in most health stores.
If you wish to reduce the inflammation & leaky gut quickly so that your skin can repair, I can think of nothing better than the Xanthones in Mangosteen juice. They seem to work on Psoriasis also.