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Grant Descriptions & Application Kits

What's New
The Office on Violence Against Women will issue the next solicitation (request for proposals) for the Education and Technical Assistance to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Program at the start of the 2004 Federal fiscal year, which begins October 1, 2003.

Faith-based and Community Organizations

Faith-based and community organizations have the right to apply equally with other organizations for grants for which they are eligible. OVW encourages applicants to include faith-based organizations in developing coordinated community responses to violence against women. OVW has a history of supporting education and training programs for clergy in local communities and chaplains on military bases. We welcome additional applications for this purpose. Please check the eligibility requirements for each of our grant programs to learn about funding opportunities through OVW.

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Learn more about the President's Faith-Based and Community Initiative as well as grant writing workshop opportunities.

Uses of OVW Grant Funds to Address Sexual Assault


Current Solicitations

FY 2005 Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus (OVW) (Deadline: March 24, 2005) (Apply Online) (Solicitation: PDF) All applicants for the Campus Program must:
Create a coordinated community response to violence against women on campus. The multidisciplinary response should involve the entire campus as well as the larger community in which the campus is located. Note: At minimum, campuses applying for support must develop partnerships with at least one local nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services organization and one or more of the following criminal justice or civil legal agencies: law enforcement, prosecution, civil legal assistance providers, systems-based victim services units, or judiciary and court personnel.
Establish a mandatory prevention and education program about violence against women for all incoming students, working in collaboration with campus and community-based victim advocacy organizations. The program should include information about dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Train campus police to respond effectively in dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking cases. Training programs should be developed in collaboration with campus or community-based victim advocacy programs and should include information about relevant state and federal laws and arrest protocols; information on enforcement of orders of protection; and instruction on making primary aggressor determinations.
Establish or strengthen programs to train members of campus disciplinary boards to respond effectively to charges of violence against women. All members of campus disciplinary boards, including faculty, staff, students, and administrators should receive expert training about violence against women.

FY 2005 Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Grant Program Special Initiative: Faith-Based and Community Organization Pilot Program (Deadline extended: April 29, 2005) (Apply Online) (Solicitation: Program Information)

FY 2005 Grants to State Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program (Deadline: April 19, 2005) (Apply Online) (Solicitation: Program Information) State coalitions have played a critical role in advancing the goals of VAWA, serving as a collective voice to end violence against women through collaboration with federal, state, and local organizations. Statewide sexual assault coalitions provide direct support to member rape crisis centers through funding, training and technical assistance, public awareness activities, and public policy advocacy. Statewide domestic violence coalitions provide comparable support to member battered women’s shelters and other domestic violence victim service providers.
For approximately one third of states and territories, these support services are provided through a single dual sexual assault and domestic violence coalition. For the small number of states, where multiple state sexual assault and/or domestic violence coalitions exist, only those who meet statutory eligible requirements will be eligible (See Program Information).

To see what other funding opportunities are currently available at OJP, go to Grants/Funding page.
Archived Application Kits

Archived Application Kits from FY2000 - 2004

Grant Descriptions

S•T•O•P Violence Against Women Formula Grants Program
The S•T•O•P (Services, Training, Officers and Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grants are awarded to states to develop and strengthen the criminal justice system’s response to violence against women and to support and enhance services for victims. Each state and territory must allocate 25 percent of the grant funds to law enforcement, 25 percent to prosecution, 5 percent to courts, and 30 percent to victim services. The remaining 15 percent is discretionary within the parameters of the Violence Against Women Act.
Find the name of your VAWA STOP state contact.

S•T•O•P Violence Against Indian Women Discretionary Grants Program
The S•T•O•P Violence Against Indian Women Grants are intended to develop and strengthen tribal law enforcement and prosecution efforts to combat violence against Native women and to develop and enhance services for victims of such crimes.

Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders
The Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders are designed toencourage state, local, and tribal governments and state, local, and tribal courts to treat domestic violence as a serious violation of criminal law requiring the coordinated involvement of the entire criminal justice system. Grant funds may be used for implementing mandatory or pro-arrest programs and policies; developing policies and training in criminal justice agencies to improve tracking of domestic violence and dating violence cases; and creating centralized domestic violence units consisting of police, prosecution, or other criminal justice agencies. At least five percent of the funding for this program must be available for grants to Indian tribal governments.

VAWA 2000 Costs for Criminal Charges and Protection Orders Chart (HTML version)
Frequently Asked Questions on the VAWA 2000 Costs for Criminal Charges and Protection Orders Requirement.

Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grants
The Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grants are designed to enhance services available to rural victims and children by encouraging community involvement in developing a coordinated response to domestic violence, dating violence and child abuse. A state is considered rural if it has a population of 52 or fewer persons per square mile or the largest county has less than 150,000 people. In rural states, eligible applicants are state and local governments and public and private entities. Non-rural states may apply on behalf of rural jurisdictions in their states. Eligible applicants also include tribal governments in rural and non-rural states. At least five percent of the funding for this program must be available for grants to Indian tribal governments.

Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program
The Legal Assistance for Victims Grants are designed to strengthen legal assistance programs for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Eligible applicants include Indian tribal governments, victim services programs, law school legal clinics and other legal services organizations that assist victims of domestic violence or sexual assault. Five percent of the funding for this program is set aside for grants to programs that assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking on lands within the jurisdiction of an Indian tribe.

Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus
The Campus Program is designed to strengthen the higher education community’s response to sexual assault, stalking, domestic violence, and dating violence crimes on campuses, and to enhance collaboration between campuses and local criminal justice and victim advocacy organizations. Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education.

Grants to State Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program
Grants are awarded to each state domestic violence coalition and sexual assault coalition for the purposes of coordinating state victim services activities and collaborating and coordinating with Federal, state, and local entities engaged in violence against women activities.

Grants to Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions
Grants are available for the development and operation of nonprofit tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions in Indian country.

Training Grants to Stop Abuse and Sexual Assault Against Older Individuals or Individuals with Disabilities Program
The Training Grants to Stop Abuse and Sexual Assault Against Older Individuals or Individuals with Disabilities Program is designed to train law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and court personnel to recognize, address, investigate, and prosecute cases of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation and violence against individuals with disabilities, including domestic violence and sexual assault, against older or disabled individuals.

Education and Technical Assistance Grants to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities
The Education and Technical Assistance Grants to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women with Disabilities Program is designed to improve services to individuals with disabilities who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Grantees will provide training, consultation, and information to service providers, including independent living centers, disability-related service organizations, and domestic violence programs providing shelter or related assistance about responding to violence against women who are individuals with disabilities. Eligible applicants are States, units of local government, Indian tribal governments, and nongovernmental private entities.

Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program
The Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program helps create safe places for visitation with and exchange of children in cases of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, or stalking. Eligible applicants are States, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments that propose to enter into contracts with public and private nonprofit entities to provide supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children in such cases. At least five percent of the funding for this program must be available for grants to Indian tribal governments.

View more information about funding opportunities

Archived Fiscal Year 2004 Guidelines, Solicitations and Application Kits
(This link will take you to Fiscal Year 2004 solicitations for which the Office is no longer accepting applications.)

Archived Fiscal Year 2003 Guidelines, Solicitations and Application Kits
(This link will take you to Fiscal Year 2003 solicitations for which the Office is no longer accepting applications.)

Archived Fiscal Year 2002 Guidelines, Solicitations and Application Kits
(This link will take you to Fiscal Year 2002 solicitations for which the Office is no longer accepting applications.)

Archived Fiscal Year 2001 Guidelines, Solicitations and Application Kits
(This link will take you to Fiscal Year 2001 solicitations for which the Office is no longer accepting applications.)

Archived Fiscal Year 2000 Guidelines, Solicitations and Application Kits
(This link will take you to Fiscal Year 2000 solicitations for which the Office is no longer accepting applications.)

You may be able to apply on-line for current solicitations. Go to the Office of Justice Programs Funding Opportunities Page to apply on-line.

Help is available - Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-787-3224 (TDD).
National Sexual Violence Resource Center at 1-877-739-3895 (toll free) (24 hr access to information, resources, and research regarding sexual assault)



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