19 y
Feeling Lost!
Hi Libra!
I just read the forum description and I wanted to first offer my condolences in your loss over the past 10 years. I also want to say I appreciate your willingness to share and offer guidence to others.
I am 27 and still single with no promising career. I have been working at a cash job for the past 5 years and am finding it hard to break away and find a 'real job' that offers the same financial benefits and freedom that my present job does. The present job however is not a healthy one and I am eager to grow spiritually, but feel this is keeping me.
I have tried to do some modeling, but am getting a little old and too curvy for that. I really crave some type of security and don't know where to turn. I am soo afraid of getting bored in a desk job.
I also lost my grandfather/godfather a little over a year ago and for a while felt he was close to me, but now feel very alone.
I usually find myself in long term relationships and have even tried to be a bit more permiscuous to shake things up. I, of coarse, only end up hurting myself and feeling worse.
Although I feel I have a good support system around me and I still have a good relationship with my past two ex-boyfriends, I am desperate to find a partner. I want someone to take care of and someone to take care of me.
Do you have any insight into what I may be going through and if there is some light? I bought some crystals about 9 mos. ago and recently cleansed them and tried to program them. Could having them for so long and not cleaning them, worked against me?
Please offer any help and thank you in advance!