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Re: A long story but, I have nothing better to do at the moment.
shadowprophet Views: 1,982
Published: 19 y
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Re: A long story but, I have nothing better to do at the moment.

My take on the generational idea of visitations,
To be honest wonderment,
Im as confused about the issue as anyone can be.
I believe visitations do happen, and to be honest wonderment, I believe there are people
That know more fully whats going on and arnt shareing, My dad for example,has always been there for me to confort me about my experiences asking really strange questions, that are very insiteful about about my experiences, Hes a great father and has helped me in so many ways, But I get the feeling he knows a lot more then he has ever told me.
Somtimes he even throws hints to me, But when I ask him directly he always changes the subject :(

One time he came to me out of the blue and said, have you ever thought that maybe the experiences you have are for your own benifit, and possible you would be a very very sick person if it wasnt for them, Knowing my dad as I do he was directly hinting as my heart condition,
Then I told him, I said dad have you ever concidered that maybe the whole reason I have a bad heart may be because of them?(really a sarcastic remark- I had accepted long before that, that nature alone was to blame for my heart) And he said No I doubt that very much.
yeah, I kid you not.. That confused me a great deal.

I know how weird that sounds, But, Take into concideration, That long before I was born my father had an experience. Thats the only answer to his profundly strange comment I could ever think of,



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