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Re: my 'abduction' story..
  Views: 2,356
Published: 19 y
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Re: my 'abduction' story..

Yeah, I don't know about this quiz, seems a bit flaky. I scored 79, I'm not sure what to make of that. The sleep paralysis seems more plausable, as I did have a legitimate fear of abduction. But I always have, as long as I can remember, believed in the existance of aliens, the idea that they were coming for me. I somehow felt targeted for one reason or another.
I have this memory from when I was very young, 2 or 3 years old maybe. I left alone on a strange round table, almost as if it were a medical exam. My parents were there, so was someone who looked like a doctor. But my mother has no idea what I'm talking about, and my father passed away before I could even think of asking him about it. And there was never an actual exam, at least not in my memory. They brought me into the room, they watched from another room, and that's all I remember.


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