Sure thing! Re: Dear Karen...
Sure can. I'm not an expert...just an experimenter;>
I think IF 2 will help you a lot.
My brother had a similar problem as yours, that's how I learned a little about it. When he eliminated wheat, it seemed to help a lot. But, he hasn't been consistent with a treatment, so I do have concern that it will come back with a vengence later.
It was explained to me that there is some blockage in your intestines or colon that is causing new waste to liquify, so that it can get around that block. This can lead to major problems, because, of course, toxins (and toxic gasses) build up, and we all know that is bad news...leads to disease.
Colonics might be helpful if you choose, but can be expensive. I try to do as much myself, and enemas seem to work fairly well.
Last night I found a link where you can order an enema bucket, which I think is cleaner than the bags. Here it is:
(I'm no way affiliated) (also don't know about international shipping)
Unless I'm traveling, I'll be around. Good luck with the cleanse! Go for it. Once you get through this cleanse, you might want to consider a fast, it could really help. You should try to get yourself stable first.
Remember, your body wants to heal itself. That's what it does every day. Just support it in that effort, and you should be okay!
Oh, also, you might want to try home-made saurkraut. This also helps to re-establish the natural flora in your digestive track. I'll post the recipe in the "Recipe's" forum right now.
Again, hope this is helpful. Keep us is fun to share successes too!