Actually honey is really not good to give to babies. It has been linked to SIDS. I never knew this before I gave it to a little sister...nothing bad happened to her; but my mom flipped out when I gave it to her! She made me call my aunt who is a midwife (teaches natural childbirth, very against the medical practices that are harmful to babies delivered in hospitals...firmly believes in 100% natural childbirth at home, etc. I am only saying this to let you know how versed she is in natural medicines.). My aunt explained that although honey is a wonderful thing for adults and has many wonderful healing properties, it can not be given to babies, even in small doses! It has sedative properties that can make babies drift off and forget to breathe! Obviously every baby given honey will not die; but the risk out weighs the reward...just think how bad you would feel if only by coinsidence you gave your baby honey and then they died! Just letting you know. Many people don't know this about honey!