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It's what you already know that prevents you from learning something new
jcounts Views: 2,075
Published: 21 y
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This is a reply to # 722,003

It's what you already know that prevents you from learning something new

It's true that MH has attacked some of the sacred cows here on CureZone like supplements, zappers and Colloidal Silver . But his arguments are well thought out and consistent, not ignorant or malicious.

There are two sides to every story and if you don't consider the flip side you are missing a lot. You don't have to agree, but I pay close attention to what MH posts, because I've never seen anyone express these opinions in the Holistic Movement before (not that they haven't been exressed; I just haven't heard them).

As far as MH being some kind of agent...that is ridiculous. It may be painful to have some of your deepest beliefs challenged, but I belive his motives are pure and who knows he might be right some of the time.

He sure has changed the way I look at supplements, zappers and Colloidal Silver . Only food for me from now on LOL.



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