I was very reluctant to comment on this site...I came accross this just looking for stories of someone who may be in my shoes. Today was the day where all of it hit, and though I would rather leave out all the details (becuase I am sure the emotions are the same no matter what the situation may be), we found out we were pregnant and by no means is it condusive in our lives right now. Fortunatly I have a supportive family and supportive man in my life, but this decision isn't coming easy to the both of us. We know it is best to abort the baby, but being raised Catholic we can't help but feel this guilt about taking this soul from walking the earth. I just wanted to tell you that your story really touched me and I am glad I came accross it. I feel a little better about what was bothering me. This whole process is so up and down and it has only been one day of going through it. I am not sure what to expect but I thank you for sharing your story and easing my mind in many ways!