Well, which is better? To eat the chicken, or the egg yolk (raw).
Yes, it is best to buy eggs from farmers feeding their hens natural raw grains. Where I live that isn't really practical, so I just consume raw egg yolks produced by the local egg manafacturer in our area which can be bought in the grocery store.
The egg yolk is loaded with good stuff. You can consider it is brainfood. Now, I'm not too sure how bad consuming factory-manafactured eggs are, but i'm sure it's NOT as bad as consuming factory-grown and prepared chicken.
I think moderation is key! How many eggs are you going to consume a day? I consume ONLY about one or two raw egg yolks a day. If it has any such toxins (since factory-produced not organically grown) then I believe your body can handle it -- i mean, it's been through much more filtering out the toxins provided by the typical american diet.
excerpt from
"10 to 20% of the brain is composed of cholesterol, containing 40 times more cholesterol than muscles, and 7 to 10 times more than the liver, where cholesterol is produced. If cholesterol is not that essential, or even unhealthy, of course the human body would never produce cholesterol.
Children who received mother’s milk, averagely are smarter than those who were fed with formula milk (1), partly because mother’s milk contains twice as much cholesterol.
When food is heated (or frozen) in whatever way, cholesterol partly is oxidized. And oxidized cholesterol causes cardiovascular diseases. Of course nobody tells you ; cholesterol-level-decreasing drugs and performing ‘preventive’ actions generate billions of dollars.
'Clean' cholesterol is extremely essential and healthy. That's why your body warns you when cholesterol-level decreases ; low cholesterol-level impairs resistance against diseases (2), causes depressions, mood-swings (3) and increases cravings for food. A number of scientific investigations have proven that in people trying to commit suicide, cholesterol-level is / was lower. (4)
Excellent BRAINFOOD is RAW EGG-YOLK, containing lots of clean cholesterol, vitamins and minerals. You can mix the yolk with avocado. Or blend some fruits (or orange juice only, or tomatoes only), pour in the egg-yolk, and stir gently with a fork (stirred, not shaken). You can also add 3 raw egg yolks to cooked potato or ice.
Be sure the egg is fresh. Also be sure that the hens are fed raw grains, and not recycled feedings containing wastes and animal residues."
I personally use raw egg yolk even though it's not totally from an organic source. I use it as a sauce for my sashimi (raw tuna)... I can't stand to eat sashimi without some sort of sauce, and I believe raw egg yolk is alot better than soy sauce.
Take care,