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CharuKrsnaDasa Views: 2,332
Published: 20 y
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I went through a health phase of consuming two hand fulls of man made supplements(to begin recite the tens of thousands of wasted dollars), I tried most products and most were and still are complete junk. THe best was the high grade stuff(high cost too) I was having imported from other countries through the . Stuff like choline, gh3, kh3, vinpocetine, green mix (best and most natural, lot of greens) and so many others, including lots of nootropics, later on I actually got high grade nootropics from a states leading neuro surgeon who shall be held in confidence. Amazing things were happening like in the movie Flowers for Algernon. But after some time of feelin well, I was not feelin so well, then I came across a Dr Wallach tape and other docter who work with the CellTech blue green algae company that the body had to try to purify itself of inorganic materials and chemicals that were in the medicines and supplements being consumed, ALso there is some supplement makers that have managed to put a yummy sugar coat like substance around the supplement so that what ever is in digested the body cells become tricked into thinking what a cool looking mineral you are please come into my cell and then it becomes stuck and causes many problems to the cell that it died prematurely. It is sort of like a gangster bribing a bodygaurd at the front door of a club, the bodyguard (cell wall) accepts the payment (sugar) and the gangster(supplement inorganic materials) goes disguised into the club and then Blasts everyone in sight.

There is such a thing as yogies who can consume large quantities of mercury and transmute it in their body and neutralize the bad effects of the mercury. THey can do it, but that does not mean you should try to bocome a powerful yogi and transmute all those powerful inorganic materials in your bodies folks. GOD Generator, Operator, Destroyer of All, has given us awesome human bodies and has created a beautiful Earth, teeming with the life of Every fruitbearing tree, herbs, grains, nuts to live on. WE need what God and Mother Nature has intended for us, and not what these so called priests (FDA, dentists, doctors, butchers) with so called power would have us believe is ok for us. Cuase I'll tell you something, some of those people may have gone into those fields with good intentions, but now they have adopted bad knowledge and habits from bad people and associations who have every intention to kill society at large and have a dull headed slave society to do their every bidding. After all, "all it takes for evil to prosper is for good people to sit around and do nothing", that is why the vedic sciptures say As Quickly As Possible, one should eliminate 1)Fire 2)Dis-ease 3)debts. Also in the Bhagavad-Gita 1-36 it is stated :

Sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. Therefore it is not proper for us to kill the sons of Dhrtarastra and our friends. What should we gain, O Krsna, husband of the goddess of fortune, and how could we be happy by killing our own kinsmen?
According to Vedic injunctions there are six kinds of aggressors: (1) a poison giver ***my note, the demons with some power are poisoning the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe and whats worse is they have actually somewhat succeeded in training the mass of people to think that all this is ok, go ahead and keep working like hogs, dogs, and asses and watch tv for entertainment and take these pills to numb the pain. I say we kill these big ridiculous companies by not buying thier poisonouse personal care products, or house cleaners that contaminate everything. BOYCOTT~~ the way GANDHI did it. WE can boycott the auto and oil industries and create cars that run on compressed air instead of gaso-line, then we will not have to occupy other people land and make them innimical,*** (2) one who sets fire to the house, (3) one who attacks with deadly weapons, (4) one who plunders riches, (5) one who occupies another’s land, and (6) one who kidnaps a wife. Such aggressors are at once to be killed, and no sin is incurred by killing such aggressors. Such killing of aggressors is quite befitting any ordinary man, but Arjuna was not an ordinary person. He was saintly by character, and therefore he wanted to deal with them in saintliness. This kind of saintliness, however, is not for a kñatriya. Although a responsible man in the administration of a state is required to be saintly, he should not be cowardly. For example, Lord Räma was so saintly that people even now are anxious to live in the kingdom of Lord Rama (rama-rajya), but Lord Rama never showed any cowardice. Ravana was an aggressor against Rama because Ravana kidnapped Rama’s wife, Sita, but Lord Rama gave him sufficient lessons, unparalleled in the history of the world. In Arjuna’s case, however, one should consider the special type of aggressors, namely his own grandfather, own teacher, friends, sons, grandsons, etc. Because of them, Arjuna thought that he should not take the severe steps necessary against ordinary aggressors. Besides that, saintly persons are advised to forgive. Such injunctions for saintly persons are more important than any political emergency. Arjuna considered that rather than kill his own kinsmen for political reasons, it would be better to forgive them on grounds of religion and saintly behavior. He did not, therefore, consider such killing profitable simply for the matter of temporary bodily happiness. After all, kingdoms and pleasures derived therefrom are not permanent, so why should he risk his life and eternal salvation by killing his own kinsmen? Arjuna’s addressing of Krsna as “Madhava,” or the husband of the goddess of fortune, is also significant in this connection. He wanted to point out to Krsna that, as husband of the goddess of fortune, He should not induce Arjuna to take up a matter which would ultimately bring about misfortune. Krsna, however, never brings misfortune to anyone, to say nothing of His devotees.
Bg 1.37, Bg 1.38, Bg 1.37-38 for more

Do not eat meat, do not have illicit sex, do not gamble, do not take intoxication and you will preserve your intelligence to do good in the material world and assist with understanding spiritual matters. If you break these pricinpals, you do so at your own risk. It is real simple, your soul is eternal and encased in a subtle body and that subtle or astral body is encased in a material body. A healthy body will allow you to meditate more easily on spiritual matters and will help you to better understand, who we are, who God is, what our relationship with him is and much much more. Just like Jesus Christ has said, "I have much more to tell you but you are not ready" I pray that God, and all the Demigods, Angels, Saints, Sages, and Spiritual Masters may bless us all so that we may become ready.

Ohm Nitai Gaura



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