Is it possible that strep throat could cause your tonsils to be so immflammed that they develope cancer? stupid question I know but im curious, also could strep through your throat enter your blood stream and cause other problems in your body?
I am worried about cancer, and I am having difficulty swallowing, it is like my throat kind of clicks when I swallow, now very loud, just where I can hear it, also if you had strep or cancer either one, wouldnt both of your tonsils be immflamed and not just one of them , my throat seems like just one side hurts more than the other, cancer would not do this would it? also if you did have cancer in your throat eating or drinking something cold or a cough drop would not make it stop the difficulty swallowing would it ? I know these are stupid sounding questions but this is part of one of my issues I have going on right now. Thank you in advance.