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Let me explain more clearly
MidlothianGirl Views: 2,755
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 716,116

Let me explain more clearly

I passed about 3 or 4 12 inch white worms (they look like ascaris) about 5-6 weeks ago. When that happened, I immediately took the large coq10 dose, expecting to pass more. I've been feeling extremely tired lately, brain foggy.....just run down and kinda sickish. I never passed anymore worms from when I took the large dose of coq10. I wasn't doing anything to kill the worms except take Colosan, because I had been constipated, but didn't want to take any herbs like cascara sagrada. So over the course of 5-6 weeks, I havn't seen any more worms, but felt that as bad as I felt, that they were still there. Yesterday is when I did the enema with 40 drops of oregano oil and ozonated olive oil in 2 quarts of warm water. That's when I passed more worms of varying sizes wrapped in my bm.

Hope that explains more. I ordered the Old Amish Dewormer; I'm going to have my whole family take it and continue taking the other things I'm taking.

Thanks so much for the links as well.


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