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Funny you should ask that
MidlothianGirl Views: 2,105
Published: 21 y
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Funny you should ask that

I posted on the parasite forum last week an amazing discovery in my morning b.m. last week. I have NOT been taking any kind of parasite killing herbs at all. I have been taking Colosan and taking macadamia nut oil, though. I looked down to flush the toilet and noticed long white worms in my b.m. I was *STUNNED*! Couldn't believe it. Went and got a white fork and got one out and it was 12 inches long exactly. Showed it to my husband too because I know people would never believe me.

But check this out. All the times, without exception, that I've done a parasite cleanse, I've never passed anything to the naked eye that was a parasite. But when I did a fast once, I did an enema and passed a 1 inch thing with antennas and legs down both sides of the body. This year in the Spring, again....not doing any parasite killing....I passed a 6 inch white worm and a 2 inch white worm. I did take a p&b shake, though. Around that time, I had had a colonic and gotten lots of fills, and I also got some mucoid plaque loosened up too.

Anywhoos.....The only conclusion I drew from the latest expelling, is that perhaps the oxygen from the Colosan was providing an inhospitable environment for the critters. I took the large dose of coq10 last week, and plan on getting some ozonated olive oil to follow up.

So my experience has been that I havn't done any parasite cleanses that produced anythingt to the naked eye (but I realize that I may have killed tons of microscopic critters). But those worms....MAN! Flipped me out!!!!

I'm getting a colonic tomorrow and maybe I'll get more worms out....who knows?


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