Re: MH, What the hell are we suppose to eat??
Now your talking!
Guess what, habits make us sick and proper habits allows our bodies to be in perfect health! This knowledge saves us a fortune, because we don't need all their supplements, their drugs, their operations, their electronic gadjets and "THEY" hate this! "THEY" use to boo Dr. John R. Christopher and Schulze can tell you the same stories right off the stages of the health food conventions!
You see, all that crap are for sick people that have been publically educated by massive amounts of misinformation in order to control our health.
So if you well and know you will always be well, you will have no use for "THEIR" products and that will cost "THEM" billions every year, so "THEY" spend billions ever year to make sure we don't learn what they know!
Your right, there are alot of books and have been for 100 years saying just these things, who are we to believe is the BEST QUESTION ON THIS EARTH, thanks for asking!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe no one, read and experiment, I did and it took years and then I learned and will never go back to being "THIER" salve ever again!
I was transformed by one book and then I could identify like books and they kept coming my way in a variety of methods I don't need to mention, but I am glad things work the way they do.
I SUGGEST THIS, I use books written not only my the MD, but the MDs that ran HUGE CLINICS and cured all diseases at almost ZERO COST! These guys and women operated from 1850-1930's and then the doctors union ended these types and everyone who believed in such nonsense as no cost cures! DRUGS were the answer, they had no control unless poison drugs were the mandate!
So I spent 1 year finding someone that could scan this first book for me and eventually I sent for a scanner and cando it myself now. I then knew people really don't read, I am serious, they will read a book and make no sense of it at all, because their brain will skip right over all those things it was raised to know as not possible. I have had some of the most educated doctor from Harvard and even the most Senior Engineer (retired now)etc, read a book that was so simple an average person has no problems with the words and they don't get it, they don't understand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They read it so fast, none of it absorbed in and they didn't know how to apply what they read.
My solution was to take this first book and expand the type to size 14, nice and big! The I high lighted all the good things I wanted people to know and then the really good stuff, I high lighted and put a bullet mark beside it. I then made a study guide for it based on ther highlighted sections, so the answers are easy. When you write these answers down, they start to sink in. I really suggest reading this book first, then as you reread it, write the answers down in the study guide, this way you actually have read the anwser 3 times by now.
In the human body, if you read or say something 3 times in a 72 hour period, it goes to permanent memory and you can not forget it the rest of your life, even if you never learned how to retrieve it.
To me this is a baby book, but you learn what diseas is and the cure that works for all or at least it worked for 63,000 for this one doctor. I then have another book by the MD explaining each disease and treatment, but it is basically the same, becaue one cure, does cure all, that cure is education so you don't be deceived by "THOSE" that sell things that keep you sick.
Then my next book is by a MD that did the same as the first, but he went further, his heart was shot, near dead, so he set out to build a new heart, he did so in 21 days. He also goes another step and obeys nature a little more and at age 76 he writes his first book and he is the strongest 76 year old man in Canada and he has plenty of pictures showing his super strength, the cost of his cure? Same as the first MD, NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! Cheaper to be well than it ever is to live sickly!
Then I go to a book that a old MD wrote that had what I call, the biggest clinic in the world and He cured all diseases of the masses and again his cure cost NOTHING, just plain water used corretly that anyone including children can do with ease!
Are you getting this pattern??? MD, MD, MD, cure cost nothing, cure cost nothing, cure cost nothing!!!!!!!!! These are the MDs that changed the world and they were not hassled because they were famous in their time and they kept their MD licease, but shortly after these guys, the MDs were harresed and jailed all over this Nation, their books and products destoyed, etc., etc. Harry Hoxey was no MD, but he cured thousands of cancer patients of the most advanced kind that you never see today and he did it in American clinics and the ingresdients cost almost NOTHING, he was arrested over 100 times and holds the record and no one could hold him, not even the AMA, but they got a President to shut his I believe it was 16 clinics down all in one day and he said the HELL WITH IT and gave Mildred the herbal formulas and said their yours! She took the herbs and headed to MEXICO and everyone should know that she opened the first Mexican Cancer Clinic in history and started it all, once again we chased the best from our borders.
There are thousands of these stories and I say, let the customer read books by the MD and wonder why these famous MDs teach you one thing, NEVER EVER SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION for diseases, because their drugs cause diseases. It takes the books written by the MD because we are all brain washed to take our tithes to the GREAT WHITE GODS in their temples called hospitals, where we sacrifice our lives as an offerng! Many books written on this subject out there! So much of it is true, I attend a church that has 800 members and most all are on drugs and have thjeir faith in the Doctors and not in trusting God.
Hopefully this makes you think, my few books are but a drop in ther bucket, if you look, there are thousand sof old medical written books out there, they can't openly advertise them!
By the way, I explained many things to Dr. Hulda Clark and she was the first person to buy my study guide and at her age to still want to read and learn, even if this information is against everything she has learned in her life to this point, she still wants to know and experiment and apply, this is why Dr. Hulda Clark is my kinda lady! We all change as we learn.