My list of benifits I experienced.
I Have done 14 liver flushes.
I had horrendous symptoms. Finally diagnosed with Irritable bowel syndrombe. Nausea, 35lb Loss,( just couldn't eat) acid reflux, abdominal pain, acne, No energy, I couldn't walk far at all,I felt like I was dieing actually. My boy, my husband, and my house were suffering.
I lost well over 5 paper cup full of stones all different. That was just amazing I still flush untill im clean. I just love it. I hate to think where id be if I hadn't found the liver flush.
Some flushes I felt fantastic, and some I felt quite sick. But overall I feel Great. ( I also did parisite cleanse, zapping, colosan, and now
Oxypowder ).
It took me over a year, but I now look and feel great. My pain is gone, nausea is gone, I can sleep on my stomach again. As my liver is smaller. energy is soring, I do more than I have ever done. I am still cleansing my bowel. I don't need any drugs that I needed just to function. My body is a Drug free zone.
I also did a house clean-up: no toxins shampoo, food the lot. (Dr clarks protocol.)